Product Description
Discover The EXACT Steps To Create The Ultimate Lifestyle Of FREEDOM As An Internet Marketer. When you think about the Internet Marketing Lifestyle, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?
Most people think of things like… Traveling to amazing destinations all over the world… Waking up at your leisure and only working a few hours each day… Sipping cocktails on the beach with your laptop while you check to see how much money you’ve made… Working just a few hours each day and loving life… Although like CAN be that way as in Internet Marketing, most marketers don’t have a lifestyle or anything like that.
Inside This Step-By-Step Training, You’ll Discover:
- What life could and should be like for Internet Marketers
- The dream of Internet Marketing and why it can be the ultimate lifestyle for those looking for freedom
- The big reasons why almost all Internet Marketers fail and end up creating another JOB for themselves
- Why sleep is crucial to your success, and an overview of what it means to have ideal sleep hygiene
- How to get to sleep at a normal time each night and get out of bed on time… every time!
- How to cultivate discipline and use productivity strategies to get more done every single day
- Stop staring at a blank screen and wasting time each day, and discover how to separate your day into blocks and jump straight into work
- How to improve your productivity with your hardware and equipment
- The tools you must have to successfully work “on the move…”
- The life of a “digital nomad “and how to know whether or not that sort of lifestyle is for you
- The importance of work/life balance and how to make sure you’re not working all the time
- A simple method for solving the problem of “needing a little more cash…”
- How to charge more money and work less
- The power of automation and how to use it to make more money and decrease your workload
- Plus, a whole lot more…
At this point, it’s obvious that Internet marketing can be the ticket to your dream life…
…and there’s no better resource for creating a dream lifestyle with Internet marketing than this training.
Within this package you will find the following modules:
Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mind Map
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter And Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Articles
Module 10 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 11 – Social Media Images Pack
License: Master Resell Rights
File Type: ZIP FILE
File Size: 45.40 MB
Product Files: PDF, MP4, MP3, TXT, JPG, PNG, HTML
Sales Tools: Yes
Learn about the license for this product.
IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that the indicators on the product/s page are only for illustration purposes. To view the full license details that are enclosed, you must download the specific product. To respect the author’s wishes, please read the full license before downloading.
Below you will find information about our product licenses, including what they mean and what they can offer you.
Private Label Rights (PLR)
A Private Label Rights license is a product license. PLR grants the user the right to do almost anything they want with it. You can, for example, edit it, change the content, label it as your own (claiming authorship), and sell it. This license usually means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it (for more information, please read the full license for the specific product).
Master Resell Rights (MRR)
A Master Resell Rights license is one that allows you to grant resell rights to your customers. If you purchase a product with master resell rights and then resell it, your customer may do the same. In some cases, it may also allow you to pass on master resale rights to your customers.
Resell Rights (RR)
Resell Rights imply that the item can be resold to an unlimited number of customers. There are restrictions with RR licensed products, such as the inability to resell the product with resellable rights, which means you can only sell the product “as-is” and cannot pass on or resell the product to your customers with a resellable license.
Personal Use (PU)
Personal Use licenses can only be used for personal purposes such as reading, sharing (if specified), or teaching. Products with PU cannot be resold or changed in any way because this license prohibits such actions. You can make an unlimited number of backup copies with personal use licenses. Most of the time, it can’t be shared, unless the license or product says otherwise.
Commercial Use (CU)
This license allows you to sell and distribute it commercially. In most cases, they will state how this is possible within our collection of digital products. For example, the product may come with master resell rights (MRR), which means you can sell and distribute the product subject to certain restrictions imposed by the license. This is the most common license we provide.
Give Away Rights (GAR)
Give Away Rights are all digital products that you have the rights to share, distribute across the internet, and give away to your mailing list subscribers and anyone else who wants a free product that you can freely give away. These products may even come with sale rights, but selling them is not required if you simply want to give them away for free.